Home Forums Theme support Can't use Caboom theme

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 2 years, 8 months ago.

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  • A few months ago, I enabled your caboom theme which broke my bluehost/wordpress site. My site was full of a ton of deprecated errors linking to the theme.

    After finally having the time to call bluehost and have them disable the plugin on their end, I can now access and edit my site.

    I do want to use your plugin, but it seems it’s either outdated, or I need documentation which I didn’t get.

    Hi, what version of the theme do you use? What exactly is not working? The documentation you can download always where you bought the theme.

    Version: 2.06.

    The issue was my entire web page wasn’t displaying. I only had a long list of Errors.
    I believe the errors were php error, but not sure.

    I can’t find the documentation.

    Ok, the current version of the theme is 2.13, please download and use the current version, then I’m sure everything will work fine. You can download the documentation here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzzP747O8NMtUW9kRDR1N3puMlU/view?usp=sharing

    It appears that bluehost doesn’t have an update available for me. I bought this on dec 15th and bluehost says it was last updated on dec 13th.

    Ok, that’s strange! Can you send us an email ( info @ 7theme . net), then we can send you a direct download link.

    Thanks. I sent and email with my receipt.

    Ok, we sent you the download link

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