Home Forums Theme support Can’t see menu on iPhone of Marea Theme

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 1 year ago.

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  • I am checking my website http://www.villanayalmar.com, and on my iPhone in portrait mode I can’t see the menus. I was told in a previous post that the menu is in the top black bar, but I don’t see the different menus I have, that show up clearly on a desktop browser. Is there an issue with the color of the menus and the bar? If yes, how can I change the colors?

    Hi, we checked your website and saw that you are still using version 1.0, this version is outdated. You need to upgrade your theme to the most recent version, then everything will work fine without any issues.

    I am sorry, how do I upgrade the theme?

    I bought the theme on Mojo-Themes, which are not around any longer, and I can’t find the purchase receipt any more.

    Please let me know how to update, so I do t have to switch themes…

    Ok, can you please contact our support via email: info @ 7theme . net

    Please write that you purchased the theme on Mojo years ago and there is no way to update it, maybe they can add the theme to your account on 7theme.net

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