Home Forums Theme support Can't edit room images on home page of Parador theme


This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 8 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Where is the option to change the images that highlight the individual rooms on the home page of the Parador theme? There is no place to go to edit them. Does this have to be edited through the reservation plugin? Can the theme work without it? I have a client who has a different reservation system they want to use.



    it’s always the featured image.

    You can edit in WP admin -> Rooms or WP admin -> Reservation -> Resources

    Yes, the theme can work without the plugin, without any problem, you can also use your own plugin / reservation system, but of course some shortcodes don’t work anymore, for example booking form or rooms grid.

    I am not given any rooms or reservation or resources options anywhere on my editing sidebar in WordPress admin. Here is what I have:


    Where can I find the rooms or reservation option you mentioned?

    I’m also wondering if the rooms option is missing because I uninstalled the plugin easyreservations. I tried to reinstall it and it fails with the following message:

    Destination folder already exists. /home/content/a2pnexwpnas01_data01/81/3326581/html/wp-content/plugins/easyreservations/

    How can I get this working again? Not because I want it to stay but because I want to be able to access and edit the images in the rooms grid.

    I already tried deleting and reinstalling the Parador theme and that didn’t fix the issue.

    When you deactivate the plugin, then you cannot use the rooms post type, because it’s part of the plugin.

    For the plugin error message: Have you only deactivated the plugin or deleted it? If you deactivated it only, you can activate it again in WP admin -> Plugins.

    I deleted the plugin. Any way to reverse that?

    Yes, you can upload it again. That’s the plugin we used:


    You can download it from wordpress.org and upload it again, normally it should work without any problem.

    Tried it. I get the following error:

    Unpacking the package…

    Installing the plugin…

    Destination folder already exists. /home/content/a2pnexwpnas01_data01/81/3326581/html/wp-content/plugins/easyreservations/

    Plugin install failed.

    Ok, I got it figured out. Yay!

    Now I’m still having trouble changing out the tiny images that show up of the rooms on the home page of the site. I can get into the rooms function now, and I have the right slider associated with each room, but that slider is now what shows up in the thumnail images on the home page for the rooms. How can I edit that small slideshow that shows up in the rooms grid?


    normally the slider show always the attached images. To changed the attached images, please edit the room, click the “Add media” button on top left of the editor, choose “upload to this page” in the dropdown. Now WordPress will show you only the uploaded images to this page / room, the images in the slider. Now you can delete the images, upload new ones or sort them with drag and drop.

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