Home Forums Theme support Can't change logo in Kiddz theme


This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 5 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Kiddz theme
    I have followed the instructions careful and entered my logo into the correct box in theme-options- customise wordpress. Even though it shows the file name of my logo in the bar and i’ve pressed the insert into post button the old logo still remains. The theme demo logo still shows in the preview and on the actual page. I think there must be a setting somewhere that it making the demo logo a priority. Any help would be most appreciated.
    Thank you


    can you send us a link to the page with the problem? Do you use a caching plugin? Have you already tried to delete the browser cache?

    Hi the site is https://littlewombatz.co.uk yes I’ve tried that but the issue is in the back end. In the option to change the theme it shows the kiddz theme logo in the preview box. When I carefully follow the instructions to add my logo the kiddz logo stays in the preview box even though the file name of my logo is clear in the file bar.
    Thank you.

    Ok, maybe there is a conflict with a plugin you use. Have you already tried to deactivate all plugins? If this will not help, can you send us ( info @ 7theme . net ) a login for your website? Then we can take a look at it…

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