Home Forums Theme support Cannot open links in new window with Cucina Theme

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  dcadesign@gmail.com 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Yes, I even tried plug-ins that help to open external links to new windows (tried 3 in fact), and nothing will work. One plugin kinda worked but it opened the link in the existing window and another external window (WTF?), so I had to deactivate that one too. So I give up. I can’t fight the Cucina theme any more. I need help. I absolutely must have certain links (like ones that go to external sites or patient forms (PDF) open in a new window. This is a critical function to not close the whole site when finished. Why is Cucina doing this? Please help identify what to enable to disable so that ‘Target =”_blank”‘ is recognized should do in the web world. See sample problem at:


    See Chronic Fatigue link in the third paragraph.



    Hi David,

    this is very simple: you have checked the checkbox for page transition. Please go to WordPress admin -> Appearance -> Theme Options -> Body -> Page Transition and uncheck the checkbox.

    The page transition is a jQuery function that block all clicks on links and make the “smooth page transition”, but it doesnt work with target:_blank

    It’s a simple solution, yes. But why not indicate this dilemma right above the page transition option that transitions will disable target: blank? I would never have guessed and would have likely dumped the theme, $50 and all.


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