Home Forums Theme support Candy Email form not working – Urgent

This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 6 years, 1 month ago.

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  • I have updated the email for the contact form but it is simple not working.

    what exactly is not working? Can you see an error message?

    No errors. I just don’t receive the emails. I have tried different email addresses.

    Can you send me the link to the page with the contact form, we will check the javascript console if there is an error. If you want, you can install also a contact form plugin like contact form 7, it’s working with all our themes and it’s a great plugin.

    I have done that. I install a plugin and went with.

    Ok, great. Please let me know if there is anything else we can do for you.

    In fact, there are some inconsistencies and errors I would to point out. Do I have to create a different post for each subject?

    No, you don’t. Please let me know what errors you mean.

    I do appreciate your quick response, thanks in advance for taking a look into it.

    It would be easier if I could share screenshot or could give you access to my wordpress.

    1. I have created a main page with several different sessions, however they simple have different Top and Bottom margins and padding all along. I could not figure where the space is coming from. Not have I figured yet how to add spacing in between other elements (if I manually add space on html with <br> or &nbsp, it erases my changes as I switch back to visual).

    2. Other than that, everytime I update the main page, it prompts an error “update failed”, and switchs all the visual representation into plain code. However, the page does get updated and it comes back to normal if I refresh the page. I couldn’t find what is causing, it is a bug which I have not figured how to fix it.

    3. Last but not least, how do I stop the portfolio grid slider from auto rotating.

    Look forward to hear from you.

    1. It’s hard to say where the space is coming from without seeing the source code. Can you send us the link to the page?

    2. I’m really sure this is not up to the theme, it sounds like a problem with a plugin. Have you already tried to deactivate your plugins and tried it again?

    3. We checked it and at the moment there is no option to stop the slider, and that’s really stupid! We will make an update to fix that as soon as possible.

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