Home Forums Theme support Campfire theme not scrolling in Chrome web browser

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 6 years, 1 month ago.

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  • I have the Campfire theme but it doesn’t scroll in Chrome web browser.
    It will scroll just fine in Firefox & Safari.

    In the 1.02 version, I removed the jQuery plugin for the smooth scrolling by deleting line 7 – 26 in the file “plugins.js“. But I does’nt work.

    I install the 1.03 version, but it doesn’t work too. And I don’t find the jQuery plugin for the smooth scrolling in the file “plugins.js“.

    Can you help me ?



    looks like the file/source code is still in your browser cache. Can you please delete your browser cache and reload your browser/the website?

    Yes ! It work 🙂
    Thanks !

    Ok, perfect, I’m glad it’s working now!

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