Home Forums Theme support Caboom theme sticky sidebar

This topic contains 18 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hello,

    How could I do sticky sidebar, where is just the menu widget? I tried it to do in Appearance->Theme Options->General Settings->Extra CSS Content:

    .menu {
    position: fixed;

    But the problem is that it not stop before the footer and occur on footer. And in one page it should be placed below the slideshow and in other pages it should be below the headline. I tried play with top and bottom pixels, but it don’t help.

    Can You help me? 🙂


    sorry, that’s not so easy, because you have to write a lot of javascript code to check how long the page is and where the current scroll position of the page is, but I’m sorry, that’s not covered by free support

    okey. Then maybe you can say why don’t work this:
    .sc_fa_icon, [class*=”sc_fa_icon icon-“]
    -webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-out;
    -moz-transition: all 0.5s ease-out;
    transition: all 0.5s ease-out;
    .sc_fa_icon:hover {

    transform: rotate(360deg);
    It work it works in all browsers except in Mozilla and Safari. Maybe I need something more to write?

    The code looks ok. Maybe it’s a problem with the browser cache, can you delete the complete browser cache and test it again?

    I did it, but nothing has changed.
    Also sometimes slideshow show too small or too much enlarged photo in some browsers, the height is always good, but the width no, than sometimes helps just reload the page. But in custom_section part in some browsers show enlarged photo and here reload don’t help. Here I have not tried to make changes in the code.

    What are browser exactly don’t show the sections / images?

    1. In Chrome sometimes show, but sometimes background image don’t show, show just text.

    2. And as I mentioned earlier, the problem with slider, now I don’t know is there a problem with computer screen size or with the browser, for example in one computer shows image too large in other too small and when the image are too small it moves to the left. Could be the problem with image size? I upload 1600px width photos.

    Other example, now in chrome section photo is too large, but slider photo is too small on the left side (that computer resolution width is 1280), in mozilla everything is okey. In other computer everything in all browsers is also okey (resolution width 1600), in others computers and other browsers again everything looks different.

    1. Can you make us a screenshot and send us the link to the page with the problem?

    2. Yes, it could be a problem with the images size. If you browser is bigger than 1600px, of course your image is to small. In our demos we use always images with a minimum with of 1920 pixel to fix large screens

    I solved all these problems. Now I need :

    1. Where I need to put this in custom_section “background-position: center”? I need that in computer screen which width is less than image would show image center (now show left side).

    2. In portfolio page is right sidebar. When I upload two featured images it becomes bigger and than my sidebar doesn’t fit. I want, that image would be of the same size that it was when was just one image.

    Can you help me with these?

    1. Please add this to the options for the shortcode:

    bgpositionx=”center” bgpositiony=”center”

    2. What do you mean with 2 featured images? Two portfolio entries or 2 featured images for this page? Normally you can have only 1 featured image. Can you send me the link to the page so we can see the problem?

    1. Didn’t work, still show the left side.

    2. http://new.milk.lt/lt/portfolio/condensed-skimmed-milk/
    here is just an example.


    1. We’ve tested the code on our server and it’s working. Can you send us the link to the page, then we can check the source code

    2. We’ve tested it on the page you sent us, and all is working without any problem, the sidebar is on the right. What browser do you use when the problem occur?

    1. http://new.milk.lt/

    2. I now also checked in different browsers, I noticed this problem in mozilla, but now I see, that this problem is also in explorer, in other browsers everything is good.

    1. The image is centered, and we found it also in your source code, its working without any problem.

    2. Please go to WordPress admin -> Appearance -> Theme Optios -> General -> Extra CSS Content and add this css code:

    .room_slideshow {

    This should solve the problem

    With second part everything is wonderful, I added one more row:
    .room_slideshow {
    Because the image height was different from other pages images.

    Thanks 🙂

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