Home Forums Theme support caboom theme overhead section

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • hi Nice theme but there are a couple of problems i am facing, on the overhead section how do i get the content to be place on the rightside instead on the left


    normally there is no option to put content on the right side, the ride side is for the social icons.

    If you want, you can go to WordPress admin -> Appearance -> Theme Options -> General -> Extra CSS Content and add this:

    #overheader .one_half_last {
    #overheader .one_half {

    This could help you and place the left column to the right.

    Thanks for that but it kinda worked needs abit of tweeking tho could you help me out a little more
    could you please have a look


    the CSS of the gallery plugin is avoiding the correct float. Please go to WordPress admin -> Appearance -> Theme Options -> Extra CSS Content and add this:

    #overheader .ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box {
    #overheader .ngg-gallery-thumbnail {

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