Home Forums Theme support Caboom define menu failure

This topic contains 9 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 11 years ago.

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    I bought and installed Caboom and after I create a menu and I go to Dashboard and the customize site menu and select the menu I made under navigation I save it and the site looks right with a menu at the top. When i goto the site it still has a red box which says “Please Define a Menu” I also tried going to Manage Locations and saved the menu I made as the “Main Menu” which does not work.


    Hello Rob,

    i think the theme is installed wrong. WordPres can’t save a menu when the theme folder name is to long. For example: if the theme folder is called “xy-a-stunning-wordpress-theme”, then it make’s trouble. Unfortunately it happens often when you install a theme via an hosting provider.

    If you want, you can send us the link to your WordPress installation and your login information, then we can take a look at it (its free).

    Thank you again for the purchase!

    I installed the theme from inside wordpress running on my server, I just uploaded the zip file and installed.


    I fixed it by renaming the folder on my sever.

    Perfect, that’s exactly what we would have done!

    I think i have the same problem after installing yoocoo group via blue host.Anything i can do?

    Hello fireup,

    if you can save a menu then your theme folder is to long (the name). If its possible for you, you can rename the folder, i.e. from “Caboom-a-themefolder-with-a-to-long-name” to “caboom”. Thats all.

    If you dont know how to do, you can send us your FTP account data, then we can do it for you.

    how do i send the data,what do i need to send? sorry i am a novice.

    FTP username: XXXXXXXXXa95fbc@fiXXXXXXXXuk

    is it something like this?

    Yes, exactly. But don’t post it here in the forum, it’s dangerous!

    Please send us the login (FTP username and FTP password) to info@7theme.net

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