Home Forums Theme support Big Testimonial slider

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 8 years, 2 months ago.

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  • I tried testimonialslider with just one column and the text is responsive but the author disappear under a certain resolution, anyway instead of testimonialslider I tried bigtestimonial, that I like more, unfortunately isn’t responsive at all.

    take a look


    We checked your website and it’s working without any problem. What exactly is not working? What device do you use?

    Sorry, I have additonal info
    If you open site in any resolution it appears fine, anyway if you resize the window with a smaller resolution the text doesn’t resize an go outside

    same problem also with iphone/ipad when you rotate the device. The text doesn’t resize automatically and if you open the page in lascape mode and then go in landscape mode the text will not be readable


    ah, ok, now I know what you mean. You are right, but the jQuery script we used for the slider does not support this. We can try to find a way to ajust the size on screen rotate event and include it in one of the next updates.

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