Home Forums Theme support Beats Theme: Portfolio – need to change the word "Related Works"

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 5 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Good evening! everything is working great, but this time i cant find the way to change some text in the portfolio that says the words “Related Works” i want to change this text to any. i hope you can help me, please!

    UPDATE – Theme Beats: There is a Portfolio Settings in Theme Settings that says: Check this box if you want to show releated works below the single entry. if i uncheck this box, the Related Works Portfolio dissapears, so i dont want to delete this section, just i need to change the words “Related Works” to another text. i hope this update helps to be a more precise explanation for the inconvenience that i’m having.

    Hi, you can change it in the language file: sevenleague.po, in the theme directory -> languages directory. Open the file, search the word and change it. Upload the file again after editing and it should work.

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