Home Forums Theme support Allslider, Nuovo

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • The Allslider in the installed Nuovo is not working properly. I have followed the instructions in the documentation, however the Allslider is not the same.

    When I went into the Allslider, there were images from posts, blogs and demo. I created new pictureset as instructed and uploaded images {sent me to my computer for uploading, not media library}. the images were not attached/filed under the pictureset created. I could not create a proper pictureset.

    Please advise.

    When I try to upload an image it sends me to my post page.

    I think there may be an issue with my allslider code

    I don’t have an image list in my Allslider

    Hi jwhetten,

    do you use plugins? If WordPress redirects you to another page or post after upload, then somewhat is changing the code. Try to deactivate the plugins step by step. If its not working, can you send (info @ 7theme . net ) us a login and the URL for your website, then we can have a look at it

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