Home Forums Theme support Allslider Height?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hello,
    I am using your Caboom theme (really liking it, thanks!), and have a quick question regarding the slider. I want to use it on my home page (default template), and have it vertically fill everything between the header and footer. I can’t seem to format it properly to do this. What should I set the height to in the slider config?

    thanks in advance!


    unfortunately it’s not so easy. The height of the slider is always up to the image height / the width of the images in the slider. The width is always 100%, just as the screen. If you have i.e. pictures in your slider, 2000 pixel width and 300 pixel height, but the screen is 2000 pixel width and 1000 pixel height, the image can’t fit the screen.

    If you want, you can try this: go to WordPress admin -> Appearance -> Theme Options -> General -> Extra CSS Content and add this:

    .slideshow_cycle, .slideshow_cycle img {
    height:100vh !important;
    width:100vw !important;

    This CSS code could help you

    Woot! I’m glad I found this post! extra css worked perfectly!

    Hi Bridge_support,

    glad it’s working! 🙂

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