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This topic contains 19 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 7 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Problems with the design of


    This is ok / additional content in Internet Explorer

    But the appearance on Google Chrome does not work properly !!!!

    Screenshot in the appendix

    The address of the website: http://www.allure-nails.at

    Can you help me there ????


    checked it with IE but cannot see the problem, can you send us a screenshot?

    And please let me know what version of IE you use

    I have the Probelm only on Chrome …


    additional content


    I really don’t know what you mean. We checked it with Google Chrome, all is working, it’s exactly like in our demo website, see screenshots:


    Hello with me it looks so … also the original design Zen is the same mistake …

    Also with other computer when I open the page to me Chrome …?


    No matter what we try, it’s working always, both sites. What screen size do you use? And what chrome version?

    I have tried it with 4 different computers everywhere it is displayed incorrectly?

    Resolution 1680 x1050 and FullHD

    Chrome version 56.0.2924.87

    I am from Austria and have a German language maybe there are problems …..

    It even shows the Zen design of you in the Chrome wrong !!!

    Do not have a programmer who can help?

    Request for Info

    Hi, please go to WordPress admin -> Appearance -> Theme Options -> General -> Extra CSS Content and add this code:

    #header ul.main-menu > li {

    Please visit then your front-page and reload the page 3-4 times, and check if it is ok then

    #header ul.main-menu & gt; Li {
    Height: auto;

    Have the code now inserted without success?

    What can we still try ???

    Have it saved the screenshot Dropbox


    looks like WordPress changed the ” > ” sign to >

    Can you please but the code we gave you in the style.css file? (At the end!)

    Have it now copied into the Zen: stylesheet (style.css) without success

    What do we do now ???


    looks like also the ul itself has to be set to height auto, can you add also this css code?

    ul#menu {
    height: auto !important;

    (just add it at the end of your style.css file…)

    Unfortunately does not work?

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