Home Forums Theme support Activation Code and Copyright Permission

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 1 year, 8 months ago.

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  • Hello, a few years ago I bought several of your wordpress themes and tested them on a couple of test websites, subdomain only. The licenses were activated correctly but now, I do not receive the activation code by email, I have the problem in the Candy theme and the Honey theme. Could you send me or reset the licenses for both themes?

    Another question: I would like copyright permission to use your product images “thumbnails” for use on my website so I would add them to my products in a woocommerce install with an affiliate link to each of your themes

    Best regards

    Alberto Martinez


    thank you for your post. We cannot send you the license code because our license system generates the codes. Have you also checked your spam folder? If you want, you can also send us a login for the websites, then we can activate the themes manually for you.

    You can use the product images, but please don’t copy and paste the theme description or any text from our website. Please write you own copies.


    In response to my support ticket I send you the data of the wordpress installations to your email: info@7theme.net, so that you can activate the themes manually for me. Thank you.

    Ok, thank you for the login information. We activated the themes manually for you.

    Activation correct.

    Thank you.

    You are welcome!

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