Home Forums Theme support some Ca/Boom queries and a BIG Thank You Reply To: some Ca/Boom queries and a BIG Thank You


1: on a mobile phone Android OS the shortcodes are visible.

Do you mean you can see the shortcode itself, i.e. [accordion] ?

2. Please open the file “functions.php”, go to line 104 and replace this:

function continue_reading_link() 
	return ' <a href="'. esc_url( get_permalink() ) . '"><span class="meta-nav">...</span></a>';

with this:

function continue_reading_link() 
	return ' <br><a href="'. esc_url( get_permalink() ) . '"><span class="meta-nav">Read more</span></a>';

2:B: Please go to WordPress admin -> Appearance -> Theme Options -> General -> Extra CSS Content and add this:

.blogentry_aside .icon-user, .blogentry_aside .meta-author {

3: This is why we’ve removed the HTML tags from the content in the portfolio list template, if we dont do that, all images, videos and shortcodes are visible in the overview page. If you want, you can open the file “portfolio-list.php”, go to line 69 and replace this:


with this:

// $content=strip_tags($content);