Home Forums Theme support Eastend theme – country field needs to be state Reply To: Eastend theme – country field needs to be state


thank you for using our theme. Please open the file “sevenleague.po” in the “languages” folder with a text editor and search the words “Choose Country” (Normally it’s line 82) and change it to “Choose State”.

For the “Countrys” in admin please open the file “posttype-real-estate.php” in the folder “7league”, go to line 31 and change this:

register_taxonomy(“estatecountry”, array(“estate”), array(“hierarchical” => true, “label” => “Countrys”, “singular_label” => “Countrys”, “rewrite” => true));

to this:

register_taxonomy(“estatecountry”, array(“estate”), array(“hierarchical” => true, “label” => “States”, “singular_label” => “States”, “rewrite” => true));