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Greetings, I’ve fixed the websites in question and it seems to be working properly. I also changed hosting providers as well. Since both servers operate a little different from each other, a common issue comes up. It’s within the .htaccess file. It’s located in the wp-includes folder and the wp-admin/includes folder. The new hosts has a way to secure the directories. When it does, it creates this htaccess file.

# BEGIN rules managed by Control Panel > WordPress
# !!mwyYxWuq1wUDCxb5dOJ0nv+cuDk:eyJzZWN1cmUiOjF9

### BEGIN PHP Security rules enabled via Control Panel > WordPress ###
Options -Indexes -ExecCGI
# Execution prevention
<Files ~ “\.ph(?:p[345]?|t|tml)$”>
deny from all
#### END PHP Security rules enabled via Control Panel > WordPress ####

# END rules managed by Control Panel > WordPress

OK, the problem, this part of the htaccess is interfering with the look and feel of the website using Strong. I delete it and it’s fine. I delete the entire htaccess file and of course it’s fine.

<Files ~ “\.ph(?:p[345]?|t|tml)$”>
deny from all

Anyhow, I’m not sure if this piece of code is creating issues across the board, depending on the host, or not but I wanted to bring this up. I’m at a point that I have to replace the theme (most sites I have are using Strong 1.08) The other reason I suspect it’s the theme, none of my other WordPress sites using other themes are affected. They’re operating normally.

Will an updated version be made available soon? I know that WordPress is going to come out with a major revision soon and I don’t want to keep repairing my sites because of conflicts. Thank you.