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A few new questions….

1. On all the pages in the Seaview template there is a very wide section of white space on each side of the page (wide boarders?). Is there a way to reduce the amount of the boarders (white space) on both sides so there is more real estate available in the center of the page for text and pictures on a page? Once you add a sidebar the real estate available for text and photos is reduced further.

2. I did use the Extra CSS code you provided in my previous post (also question 2 in previous post). As a follow-up to this….
A) is there a way to align the text using additional extra css? I tried align:center, align:left but that did not seem to make a difference.
B) Is there a way to increase the width of Headline and Imagewall fields so wrapping doesn’t occur? It appears to wrap oddly, it places the wrapped text on the next line but right justified. I’m hoping there is a way to increase the size of the field to avoid wrapping.

3. Is there a way to increase the space between the main content on a page and the sidebar. I’d like to put a little distance between the main content and the right sidebar.

Much Thanks!