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I deactivated all plugins and cleared all caches. I reactivated all plugins one by one until all were reactivated and the nav bar is still there, so not sure what was happening. And the cropping is gone, so good progress thanks 🙂

However, seeing something else strange now this new JS has been added.

When you load the homepage, all the testimonals load in a larger size font, then the carousel slides and then “drops” into place. It doesn’t flow smoothly like in your demo.

Also, once the carousel has been round all testimonials once, the font size reduces, but the delayed motion stays. I dont see that in your demo on the iPhone and I havent touched the testimonal slider code from the default. I have deactivated all plugins, switched to another theme and back again, which also didnt fix it.

The only difference I can see between my environment and your demo is the carousel JS versio. Dont know if this makes a difference.



My WP version is 4.3.1 and theme version 1.02.

I have left all plugins deactive so you can see it yourself. I can replicate this in Chrome, Firefox and IE when the browser windows are reduced to minimum width. It is also visible on an iPhone 5 and 6.