Shooters – Shooting Club WordPress Theme

The Shooters theme is a WordPress theme designed and tailored to meet the needs of practical shooting clubs, training centers and companies around the world with a presence online. The shooting club WordPress theme is equipped with beautiful galleries to showcase your company facilities, armory and share highlights of events.

Easy To Use

The use of the Shooters shooting club WordPress theme requires little to no effort as it is very easy to use. No coding skills or YouTube tutorial is required to use the Shooters theme. The Shooters theme was designed with beginners in mind and heavily tested to ensure beginners have no issue using it.

Responsive Design

Whether your members are viewing your website on their laptop, tablet or phone, our shooting club WordPress theme adapt easily to each screen resolution without compromising the display of your website content. This helps to improve the browsing experience for your visitor on any device.

Customizable With More Than 600 Theme Options

Bring out the creativity in you with the help of Shooters theme options. The shooting club WordPress theme comes with an advanced custom admin page for modifying your theme settings without having to modify a file or write a single code. With access to hundreds of theme options, bringing to life your dream website just got easier and faster with Shooters.

Over 600 Google Web fonts Choice

Using the Shooters shooting club WordPress theme, you get to pick and combine from hundreds of web fonts, the most appropriate web fonts for your pages and design. That’s right! With Shooters, creating the impression you want with your font is as easy as it can ever get.

Unlimited Sidebars and Many Widgets

Have a thing for sidebars and a lot of widgets and you just can’t get enough of it? The Shooters theme allows you to create as much sidebar and widget as you need without any coding skills or experience.

8 Amazing Galleries to Try Out

Looking to convert a larger percentage of your site visitors to happy customers? You’ve got not just 1 gallery (apart from the standard WordPress theme) but 8 different fantastic galleries (slider, masonry, and carousel, etc.,) to captivate your visitors with lovely memories from your company events and training ground. You can also share with your visitor a lovely tour of your company and its property using the Shooters theme gallery

Written in HTML5 and CSS3

Enjoy the combined benefits of HTML5 and CSS3 such as

  • Capability to create a visually appealing website
  • Website optimization for search engine (SEO)
  • Compatibility across all device,
  • Better support for multimedia on a mobile device
  • Faster page loading speed
  • and so much more.

Very Easy To Install Shooting Club WordPress Theme

No experience required. 100% beginner-friendly

Included Free & unlimited support

IncludedFree lifetime updates

IncludedSecure Payment


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4.7 average based on 12 ratings.